Understanding SAFE Notes


When it comes to startup financing, there are several options available for both entrepreneurs and investors. One such option is the use of SAFE notes. SAFE, which stands for Simple Agreement for Future Equity, is a popular investment instrument that provides a simplified and flexible way for startups to raise capital. In this blog post, we will dive into the details of SAFE notes and how they work.

What are SAFE Notes?

A SAFE note is a type of convertible security that allows investors to provide funding to startups in exchange for the right to convert their investment into equity at a later stage. Unlike traditional convertible notes, SAFE notes do not have an interest rate or maturity date. Instead, they are designed to be a simpler and more founder-friendly alternative.

Key Features

SAFE notes come with several key features that make them attractive to both startups and investors:

  • No interest or maturity date: Unlike convertible notes, SAFE notes do not accrue interest or have a maturity date. This means that startups do not have to worry about making regular interest payments or repaying the principal amount by a certain date.
  • Conversion into equity: The main purpose of a SAFE note is to provide investors with the right to convert their investment into equity at a later stage, typically during a priced equity round or a liquidity event.
  • Valuation cap and discount: SAFE notes often come with a valuation cap and/or a discount rate. The valuation cap sets a maximum price at which the investment can convert into equity, ensuring that investors receive a favorable return. The discount rate provides investors with a lower price per share compared to future investors.

How do SAFE Notes Work?

Let's take a closer look at how SAFE notes work in practice:

  1. The investor and the startup agree on the terms of the SAFE note, including the investment amount, valuation cap (if applicable), and discount rate (if applicable).
  2. The investor provides the agreed-upon funding to the startup.
  3. If a triggering event occurs, such as a priced equity round or a liquidity event, the SAFE note converts into equity based on the predetermined terms.
  4. The investor receives equity in the startup, typically in the form of preferred stock.

It's important to note that SAFE notes do not represent actual equity in the startup until they convert. This means that investors do not have voting rights or other shareholder rights until the conversion event occurs.

Benefits of SAFE Notes

SAFE notes offer several benefits for both startups and investors:

  • Simplicity: SAFE notes are simpler and easier to understand compared to traditional convertible notes, making them more accessible for startups.
  • Flexibility: SAFE notes allow startups to raise capital without the need to negotiate complex terms or set a valuation at an early stage.
  • Founder-friendly: SAFE notes are designed to be more founder-friendly compared to other investment instruments, providing startups with more favorable terms.
  • Investor protection: The inclusion of a valuation cap and discount rate provides investors with some protection and ensures that they receive a fair return on their investment.


SAFE notes have become a popular investment instrument in the startup ecosystem due to their simplicity and flexibility. They provide startups with a streamlined way to raise capital while offering investors the potential for future equity. By understanding the key features and benefits of SAFE notes, entrepreneurs and investors can make informed decisions when it comes to startup financing.

startup financing